By: Lewis E. Thomas
I will never see light; I’ll never hear a sound
I'll never get to laugh at a circus clown.
I'll never chase a butterfly; I’ll never smell a rose
I will never awake from my prenatal doze.
No, I will never know a hug or a kiss
I'll never get to see my brother and sis.
I will never have a little puppy of my own
Or watch one frolic and play with a bone.
I'll never see a rainbow or watch the snow fall
I'll never get the chance to grow strong and tall.
I'll never have a birthday party with ice-cream and cake
I will never go swimming down at the lake.
There will never be a Christmas morning for me
No, I will never have a gift under the tree.
I will never get to see my Mom and Dad
I want to cry because that makes me sad.
I'll never build a sandcastle down by the sea
In a few more seconds I’ll cease to be.
I'll never see a sunset or stars in the sky
My Mommy doesn’t want me so I have to die.
I wish she could see that I'm not a blob
But, a special life sent to her by God.
The suction machine is now pulling my substance apart
My legs, my arms, and now finally my heart.
"Mommy", "My heart was filled with love just for you!"
They tossed it into that dumpster out back painted blue.
When everyone meets this Christmas and gathers around the tree
May Jesus remind you that everyone's there but me!
When you see that jolly old man dressed in red
Remember all the babies like me who are dead.
God sees our blood all over the land
How much longer will God let America stand?
"The answer to a crisis pregnancy is to eliminate the crisis, not the child." ~ Jennie W. French
"Take My Hand, Not My Life." ~ Massachusetts Citizens for Life
"Heavenly Father, in Your love for us, protect against the wickedness of the devil, those helpless little ones to whom You have given the gift of life. Touch with pity the hearts of those women pregnant in our world today who are not thinking of motherhood. Help them to see that the child they carry is made in Your image - as well as theirs - made for eternal life. Dispel their fear and selfishness and give them true womanly hearts to love their babies and give them birth and all the needed care that a mother alone can give. We ask this through Jesus Christ, Your Son, Our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever, Amen"