"This is great work! Excellent article, great quotes showing the history of this false movement! Love the audio bits!"
~ Mike Gaudiosi, The Berean Radio Network
"Thank you for your long commentary on tithing. Question: How does your church staff get paid? Or do they work for free? How is the building/upkeep/maintenance paid for? Have you tried to practice 10% tithing and experienced the fruit that follows?"
~ Dynamicgroup1
TDM: Ministry workers are deserving of compensation. They, as well as facility maintenance should be supported by freewill offerings. On account that God's Word alludes to equality, a fair compensation for a true man of God should be about the average salary of the congregation. If the congregants are unable to supply sufficient funds, then the pastor, like Paul the apostle, should work in order to supplement his income. God blesses those who tithe on account that He will honor any percentage given from a sincere heart.
"I have been deceived by them and others who taught this garbage. Now I am back to Bible basics and thank God and Jesus it is revealed. God Bless You!!! " ~ Dave
"Thank you so much for insightful & biblical article! Please don't be dismayed or discouraged by any e-mails or comments you may receive from hostile/ignorant readers. My heart breaks for so many misled brethren that are caught up in this shameful deception. I wept several times reading quotes from so-called "teachers" who so casually & shamefully blaspheme our wonderful & holy Lord of Glory. I pray for their repentance. And I pray that the Lord will strengthen you as you contend earnestly for the faith once delivered to the saints. Your sister in Christ." ~ Lisa Madsen
"I have also experienced the false doctrine of the health and wealth gospel. My brother-in-law and sister pastor a church in central Florida. They model there ministry after Creflo Dollar, and by the way they are both part of the "sons & daughters of Creflo Dollar", which is pretty scary, I thought we were sons and daughters of God not a man. Ever since I told them that I have problems with Creflo's doctrines, they basically have ex-communicated me. I really don't have a relationship with my sister anymore. I use to go to their church, but after hearing so many false and arrogant statements I could not take it anymore. And I have to admit, I was very offended by the way they treated my wife, she has severe rheumatoid arthritis, any they basically ignored her because she didn't represent what they considered living in victory. I just wanted to encourage you, and thank you for having the boldness to take on this very demonic teaching. And I'm also encouraged to see a fellow African American man who also considers the importance of being a Berean." ~ Keith Newman
"Brother Stephens,
As a former member of New Birth I thank you for your research and thank GOD for giving you the "insight" and the gift of writing. Thank you Brother! Best Regards." ~ Tony Brown, From: Duluth, Georgia
"For 14 years I fell for all the wrong teachings from all those you have exposed. I figured I didn't have their education and it was lining up with what I was being taught at studying the Bible my mind kept thinking on the erroneous teachings. Thank you and God bless you. I have sent your site to everyone I know who also believed the erroneous (even our former pastor)." ~ Sherry, From: Illinois
"Brotherly hello from Finland. Once again I'm browsing through massive material of Deception in the church, and found yours. I don't want to be in the shoes of those men and ladies before the judgment seat of Jesus. He will answer, I have never known you. Let's us watch and pray that we will be those who enter into His kingdom. Yours in Him." ~ Juhani Pitkakari,
From: Helsinki, Finland
"Thanks for the information. I have also come across many of the false teachings you have presented on this website and I am glad to say that my eyes have been open to the truth. Keep up the good work. God bless." ~ Enna, From: Hampton, Virginia
"Thank you so much for your excellent website! I pray God's rich blessing on your ministry and life. Let's all keep standing up for the true faith, the REAL Jesus of the Bible! With kind regards." ~ Mr. Sandy Burnett
"I appreciate believers who have chosen to seek God's Word through the power of the Holy Spirit on their own instead of from the pulpit of many false teachings. God bless you. Keep teaching this dying world what they must do to receive salvation."
~ Unknown
"I just had to stand up and applaud you for recognizing those charismatic preachers. I thought I was the only one who knew T.D. Jakes needed to be there among the false teachers. I went to a conference of his and saw it for myself. I respect your high moral standards. Be blessed." ~ Kim, From: Stone Mountain, Georgia
"I enjoyed reading your article on tithing. A lot of people hate to read the truth. I've visited plenty of churches here and the pastor preaches a good sermon, but he dwells on giving money. I believe tithes have turned a lot of folks away from church because they just don't have it to give even though their hearts are in the right place. Have a blessed day."
~ Brenda
"I agree with the fact that there are many false teachers; but all preachers who are financially prosperous are not liars and workers of Satan. It is NOT God's will for us to be poor and/or in lack. He shall give us the desires of our hearts and it is not bad to want more than enough money. Try to get another attitude about our financial prosperity and stop hating on those who are prospering." ~ Wayne Brown
TDM: Where did I state that every preacher who is prosperous is a false teacher? What I did say is that those who teach it is God's will for every Christian to have an abundance of money are false teachers. True biblical prosperity is "godliness and contentment" (1 Tim. 6:3-10; Heb.13:5). Paul exemplified a more balanced viewpoint compared to the "Prosperity Gospel" that is taught by many of today's false teachers (Phil. 4:11-13). Secondly, God will give us the desires of our hearts only if our desires are in accordance with His will. No more than an earthly father will give his children whatever they ask, likewise, our heavenly Father does not grant our every request. Thirdly, discerning and exposing false teachers should not be likened to "hating" (John 7:24; Romans 16:17-18). It only appears that way to those who are biblically illiterate and/or those who worship personalities.
"Amen! This is very true. We can't buy our way into God's Kingdom. He paid it all on Calvary. There are so many false teachers and deceivers in the pulpits. And they will all stand before Jesus Christ. It is a shame what is going on with these so called pastors. There are many called but few are chosen. They choose their self. Jesus didn't call them. Maybe Satan did. Satan has his flock and they are doing a great job for their little god." ~ Joyce
"Beloved, God can and will use who He desires. However, God would never allow the ungodly hustlers that attempt to sell God's power to be involved in His healing ministry. So, I hope you understand that the false prophets that preach prosperity of money and the likes of Benny Hinn, Creflo Dollar, T.D. Jakes, and Kenneth Copeland are all liars and work for Satan." ~ Unknown
"Dear Brother Victor: Yes, you sound like I did when I first got into the tithing issue, and even provided myself with some of the excuses I used when I was a child in the faith. Now, I keep the tithe and have seen the blessings from it. If you choose not to keep it, you are in good and growing company. As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." ~Mike Ramey
TDM: If that were true, then you would understand that "church tithing" was not only never commanded for the new covenant, but it also has no parallel with the biblical legislations of tithing under the Mosaic Law. Now, although tithing is not a mandate for believers today, we should have a willingness to give to those in need. Moreover, God will honor any amount, including a tithe that is given cheerfully from a sincere heart. Thus, in proper context and balance, the Lord will bless tithers and non-tithers alike who "serve the Lord."
"Victor, Grace and Peace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you. Obviously, you have seriously studied the topic of tithing. However, we will have to agree to disagree. Perhaps only in my opinion, I believe the 10% tithe is still valid. As with matters of scriptural interpretation I encourage each person to examine the scriptures and to test it for themselves. You have done that with the issue of the tithe and the Holy Spirit has led you to a different answer. Praise God for His work in your life. Your Brother In Christ." ~ Jerry Schriver, Perimeter Church, From: Atlanta, Georgia
TDM: I wholeheartedly reject your relativist's perspective... which ignores the existence of absolute truth. The Word of God is perfect truth and is not subjective to personal interpretation; but is objectively based upon the power of the Holy Spirit and proper use of hermeneutics (John 16:13; 2 Tim. 2:15). Thus, your notion that the Holy Spirit has led me to a different answer is bizarre. There are not two different answers regarding the issue of tithing. Either God's Word requires Christians to tithe money or it doesn't.
"I happen to know Creflo Dollar and he is preaching out of the Word of the Living God. I also know for a fact that his teaching is breaking people away from bondage. So, if you don't know for yourself, don't start spreading lies. Most start from people who have never been to his church or who are not willing to renew their minds according to the word of the living God. So, if you want to stay in your sins, do so. Just don't spread nor start lies if you don't know the full story. Oh, by the way, I see you have issues with tithing. It is really sad when people choose to pick what they want to believe out of the Bible and disregard the other things in the Bible. My question to you is what are you doing to increase the Kingdom of God? Are you getting people out of bondage or are you placing them into it? How many people have you helped to fish for food rather than give them food? I know pastor Dollar and Kenneth Copeland have helped millions of people get to another level in God. They are not judgmental and you are. They are not trying to tear down other people to elevate themselves as you are. Just remember whatsoever you sow you shall reap. You sow negative you will definitely get it back." ~ T.L. Ware, From: Atlanta, Georgia
TDM: Factually, I do indeed know for myself. Unfortunately, you are deceived and presenting an emotional strawman argument based upon blind loyalty. There is a distinction between renewing one's mind by the Word of God and being brainwashed by men. According to Scripture, tithing is not a new covenant mandate; and Creflo Dollar is clearly a false teacher who mixes truth with falsehood. My articles, "A Closer Look at Tithing" and "The Word-Faith Movement: Wolves in Sheep's Clothing" contain overwhelming evidence. While it is true that Mr. Dollar engages in some good works, honorable acts do not automatically qualify one as a true teacher of God's Word. Good works are also performed by false teachers outside the church. Many of Creflo Dollar's supporters are being brainwashed with tainted food rather than by truth that is presented through sound biblical exegesis. That said, and on the contrary, it would be sinful to stand by in a state of indolence and allow other brothers and sisters in the Lord to be deceived by Mr. Dollar and other Word-Faith proponents. John 7:24 states that we are to "judge with righteous judgment", meaning we are commanded to exercise moral and doctrinal discernment. Furthermore, Romans 16:17-18 states that we should expose those who teach false doctrines.
"Your ministry is truly full of truth and wonder. I pray God will use this for His glory and purposes in the world. With love in Christ."
~ Jeffrey Pollock, From: Texas
"Mr. Stephens, I have been to your website and your viewpoint is very encouraging. I also have a sincere desire for the truth. In reading the word, by the grace of God, God has allowed me to see a lot of his truth especially when it comes to tithing. I have found very few people that see that truth." ~ Therman Cook
"Thank you for such a wonderful site. I only have one question, with regard to healing, what about Mark 16:18? I have actually laid hands on one; In the name of Jesus, whose broken arm was healed in three days without medical supervision. (He was an illegal alien worker who refused medical help for fear of being discovered.) Another woke up out of a coma and walked when he was supposed to die, and if not, would never wake up or even walk, when he was prayed for. He walked into church to give his testimony with me. I love and serve our LORD JESUS. I completely agree with everything you say--except that I believe mark 16:18. I love you in Christ JESUS!" ~ Lisha
TDM: Although believers may experience physical healing based on their faith and God's sovereign choice, Mark 16:18 is not related to assured divine physical healing in today's church age. Contrary to the Faith Movement's claims, God does not always heal every believer. The complete expanse of healing that was purchased in the atonement will not be experienced until after the resurrection and glorification (Rom. 8:22-25; 1 Cor. 15:42-43, 51-54; Phil. 3:20-21; Rev. 21:4).
"Hello. Do you not have faith? I have been looking through some of your stuff and I see that you hate people that have more than you have, or at least that is how it appears to me. Sorry, but I think you do not understand the Word of God as well as you think you do because if you did then would know that things Jesus said breaks any thoughts against you or anyone else as far as that goes. Anyway I did not email you for a fight. I just wanted to let you know that I used to be where you are now. Please my friend, pray that God will give you the understanding of all this so you can get on with your life before it gets old. God bless you."
~ James Carden
TDM: Unfortunately many people today believe it is unfitting to expose error and publicly rebuke those who have deviated from truth. This belief is highly advocated by charismatic Word-Faith teachers and many of their supporters such as you. Those who dare venture into the arena of public refutation are often accused of lacking faith, being judgmental, unloving, and divisive. In any case Mr. Carden, I have provided slam dunk evidence against Word-Faith theology. If you disagree, this ministry welcomes correction with scriptural support. Biblical reproof for the sake of sound doctrine is encouraged and should not be regarded as a "fight."