By: Victor T. Stephens
All Rights Reserved
"For you formed my inward parts; You covered me in my mother's womb. I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, And that my soul knows very well." (Psalm 139:13-14)
Is it a transgression to flagrantly eradicate the life of another person? On the surface, such a question may seem absurd. "Of course it is!" any sane and moral person would say. But sadly, in January 1973, the U.S. Supreme Court decision in Roe vs. Wade made such an atrocity legal by reversing legislation against the criminal act of murdering unborn babies by way of abortion. Fortunately, after years of protests by pro-life advocates, the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe vs. Wade on June 24, 2022. But, before the rescinding, the Supreme Court's blatant disregard for the lives of unborn children has been attributed to the following alarming statistics:
To justify their positions, many pro-choice advocates who supported the Roe vs. Wade decision argue that a fetus is not a person. In like fashion, this disturbing viewpoint echoes the moral connotations of the Dredd Scott decision by the United States Supreme Court in 1856 that regarded blacks as non-persons. It is clear that those lacking moral and spiritual convictions believe they have the right to choose who has worth, contending that a person must meet certain criteria before he/she is considered a human being.
During the past 31 years, medical and scientific findings have substantiated that life does indeed begin at conception, a fact that the U.S. Supreme Court conveniently overlooks. There are currently "fetal homicide" laws that define a fertilized ovum, embryo, or fetus as a human person during any period of maturation from conception to birth. These laws make it a criminal offense to cause injury or death to an unborn child as a result of violent conduct by an offender. If an expectant woman is attacked and killed, the assailant will be charged with two murders --- that of the mother and child. I find it interesting that fetal homicide laws do not apply to pro-choice feminists who deliberately kill their unborn babies.
Pro-Choice Argument: "It's my body... It's a woman's 'right' to choose!"
Rebuttal: A woman's body does not have two hearts, four lungs, two blood types, two heads, four eyes, four arms, four hands, four legs, etc. And what if she is carrying a male baby? Does she also have a penis? The truth is that the child growing within the woman's body is not her body but a separate individual whose body belongs to God. How anyone can allege they have the "right" to kill an innocent baby is beyond rational reasoning. Any society that permits the killing of innocent unborn children based on a woman's right to choose is practicing modern barbarism. The next section ("methods of abortion") should unquestionably prove this point.
Pro-Choice Argument: "It is not a human being... it's just a fetus."
Rebuttal: The depersonalization of an unborn child is a vile excuse to rationalize the extermination of its life. In the same manner as a newborn, toddler, or teenager, a fetus is a human person that grows and develops its own personality and capabilities over time. Thanks to modern technology, recent studies have provided conclusive evidence that a fetus possesses active brain waves and can react to stimuli. It has a beating heart, its own circulatory system, and blood type.
Pro-Choice Argument: "This is a private matter and the government shouldn't interfere."
Rebuttal: If a woman chooses to sell sexual favors, doesn't the government get involved? If a woman chooses to possess and use drugs, does not the government interfere? These are two examples of a host of private activities where the government intervenes. Now... it has already been proven that human life begins at conception. According to our Declaration of Independence, every human has the God-given right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. And it is the government's responsibility to defend and protect those inalienable rights.
Neutral Argument: "I'm personally against abortion, but I would not intrude my morality on others."
Rebuttal: This rhetorical doublespeak is generally used by some politicians during their campaign run. It is a "safe" and convenient statement to gather the support of Pro-Lifers while simultaneously attempting to appease the Pro-Choice camp. Since the United States is supposedly "One Nation under God", a politician should have the courage to uphold his personal convictions as they relate to national moral responsibility.
Pro-Choice Argument: "Abortion should be legal for pregnancies resulting from incest or rape."
Rebuttal: In their attempt to gain consolation, the pro-choice crowd frequently references the issues of incest and rape to justify abortion. This is what led up to the infamous Roe v. Wade ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court. While the court ruled in favor of "Jane Roe", aka Norma McCorvey (who retracted her views about abortion rights), one percent of abortions were actually performed due to incest or rape, while ninety-five percent (95%) were performed as a convenient means of birth control. Now, without doubt, incest and rape are appalling offenses; and we should sympathize with those who have been violated. However, should the innocent pre-born child have to pay the brutal cost for someone else's brutal behavior?
Pro-Choice Argument: "Abortion is a woman's concern. Men should have no involvement."
Rebuttal: Such a comment by pro-choice women is rooted in hypocrisy and extreme self-centeredness that is designed to alienate men. In the first Roe v. Wade case, the U.S. Supreme Court justices who ruled in favor of legalizing abortion consisted exclusively of men. If men should "have no involvement" in abortion issues, then the decision ruled by the court should have been invalid. In any case, it has already been proven by embryonic research that life begins at conception. Thus, another individual is involved in this issue. Secondly, a woman is incapable of impregnating herself. Every child has a mother and a father. Should fathers, the God-appointed leaders of their children, have their parental rights and emotional needs dismissed? I think not! And it is time for men to take a stand and defend their unborn children and join the efforts of women who share the same cause.