By: Victor T. Stephens
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"For you formed my inward parts; You covered me in my mother's womb. I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, And that my soul knows very well." (Psalm 139:13-14)
There are several methods used to perform abortions. The procedure employed is contingent upon the stage of pregnancy and the size of the unborn baby. Some of these methods include:
1) Suction Abortion
2) Dilation and Curettage (D&C)
3) Dilation and Evacuation (D&E)
4) Saline Abortion (salt poisoning)
5) Prostaglandin Abortion
6) Partial-Birth Abortion
1) Suction Abortion: This is the most frequent method of abortion used during the first trimester of pregnancy. A suction tube that is much stronger than a standard vacuum cleaner is inserted into the womb. The force of the suction shreds the baby apart as it is vacuumed out and discarded.
2) Dilation and Curettage (D&C): This method is used at the end of the first trimester and is very similar to the suction method. Ring knife forceps (curette) are inserted into the womb, which cuts the placenta and baby into pieces. The placenta and baby are then extracted piece by piece and discarded.
3) Dilation and Extraction (D&E): This method is used from 12 to 20 weeks of development. Rather than ring knife forceps, plier-like forceps are inserted into the uterus and clutch the baby, and with a twisting action, the unborn child is torn and pulled apart. To completely remove the child's body, its spine and skull must be crushed.
4) Saline Abortion: This method is used after 20 weeks. Utilizing a long needle, a very concentrated salt solution is injected into the baby's amniotic fluid. The unborn baby breathes and swallows the solution and dies over an hour later of salt poisoning. Because of the corrosive effect of the solution, the salt severely burns the internal organs as well as the skin of the unborn child. Within 24 hours the mother delivers a stillborn baby. There have been a significant number of cases, however, where babies are born alive. In such instances, they are either left to die in the most inhumane manner, or later adopted.
5) Prostaglandin Abortion: This method is used in late-term pregnancies. Prostaglandin is injected into the amniotic sac which induces the uterus to contract intensely, causing premature labor and delivery. Due to the extreme intensity of the contractions, babies are often killed in the process.
6) Partial-Birth Abortion: This method is performed from the fifth month to full term. Guided by ultrasound, the abortionist inserts forceps into the uterus, which grasps the baby's legs. The child is then pulled through the birth canal feet first, leaving only its head inside. At this point, the abortionist uses scissors to puncture the baby's skull. The scissors are then widened to enlarge the hole. A suction tube is inserted to vacuum out the baby's brain, which collapses the skull. The lifeless child is then entirely removed.
The several methods of abortion observed here, coupled with scientific findings, should provide ample evidence that killing an unborn child is not only morally wrong but utterly unmerciful. With such precise data that confirms that human life begins at conception, it is obvious that many have conveniently turned blind eyes and deaf ears to the facts. And as if they could do so with impunity, they blatantly discard God's moral laws to preserve their agenda.
The pro-choice campaign offers a variety of rationalizations to support their viewpoint. But, what does the Word of God say about abortion? Does it claim that a fetus is a person? Does a woman have the right to do anything she wishes with her body? What about pregnancies resulting from rape? Can an infant be too much of a hardship?
God's word provides very precise answers regarding these matters of contention. Please take note and examine the following scriptures:
These seventeen passages of scripture, which are among many others, contain overwhelming evidence that abortion is morally wrong. If you are a woman who is considering an abortion, I appeal to you to seek God for guidance and accept responsibility for the life of your child. If you are a woman who has had an abortion, I have great news. I want you to know that God has provided a way for your sins to be forgiven. On the other hand, you can be sure that those in the pro-choice camp who refuse to acknowledge God and the veracity of His word will die in their sins.