"Great article! In my opinion, People have been complicating and twisting Gods word/will for centuries. All it takes to serve him is simple mustard grain faith. After all, we are the creation, he is God."
~ Len Peele, From: Federalsburg, Maryland
"This is very well written and all professing Christians (especially here in the west) need to know this. Have you tried contacting any of the ministers mentioned? It may be good to give them a chance to repent or respond (I know Mark Haville has contacted some in the past & Dave Hunt)."
~ Clint J. Scott, Creative Director, Deep2Deep Productions
"I really like your Web Page!! But could you please explain to me why Joel Osteen would be considered a False Prophet. I listen to everything everyone else spoke which some are false and misleading but Joel, I DON'T KNOW. He's a great man of God. I'm just saying." ~ Connie Johnson, From: Stratford, Connecticut
TDM: The answer to your question is contained in my article entitled "The Word-Faith Movement: Wolves in Sheep's Clothing." An in-depth study of Word-Faith theology; and taking note of Osteen's citations/teachings clearly indicate that he is a false teacher.
"Pretty interesting stuff. TD Jakes is loaded. I am in Dallas. He has a lot of people in the gospel world that think he is an unbelievable pastor. I read a lot of Joyce Meyers stuff. She should not be limped in here with the creflos and all. Her teachings if you read her books are very positive and mentally and spiritually stimulating, and she is not really hawking getting rich. Being a Christina for only a couple of years I never heard of Creflo until I saw him on TV one night last year. I actually really liked his sermon. What I did not like was the send your money thing; and that is the theme in your paper of all these guys. I AGREE with you. This kind of "theology" is what turns the outside world off to being a believer, and has some people robotized. I really do not think Joyce should be in this group. One thing I found interesting about your paper is the first page. How true it is. It IS a shame these people are around. I enjoyed your paper. I just do not think Joyce is on the same page with the jakes and Creflos of the world. Keep doing what you are doing. People DO need to know the truth. God Bless." ~ Jason Glasser, From: Dallas, Texas
TDM: Actually, Joyce Meyer is indeed a false teachers. Some of her false doctrines encompass Word-Faith theology... which are listed with my article, "The Word-Faith Movement: Wolves In Sheep's Clothing". The main theme is not money, but several issues such as faith, the divinity of man, the demotion of God, the atonement, etc.
"I just want to thank you for this article. I recently joined a church and have tried to tithe 10%. It has become impossible to do so, as my financial situation won't allow it. And, now our church has a program going on asking us to pledge a certain amount of money for the next three years to pay for a new building. I have been so discouraged about what to do in both of these situations. I will now give what my heart tells me to give and not the 10% or the suggested pledge amounts. Thank you so much!"
~ Anita Hunter, From: Smyrna, Georgia
"Thank you for all the time & effort in producing this Word Faith document. This movement seems to be EVERYWHERE. Sounds good yet it is not in keeping with the Word. While I was aware enough before reading this article, I am now fully aware. Many thanks. May God keep you and continue to bless your efforts in holding to his word." ~ Deborah Rix, From: Lakewood, Colorado
"Dear Mr. Stephens,
I came upon your website when I did a Google search on "refuting the word-faith movement" and read one of your articles. I think you have a wonderful gift in writing, explaining, and refuting this so-called "brand" of Christianity. It truly is a shame that so much of their "theology" is exposed day in and day out in every media outlet imaginable. They swallow up believers because of their "health and wealth" gospel."
~ Danilo, From: Briarcliff Manor, New York
"I just wanted to write and thank you for fulfilling the great commission. There are not many of us out there today that search for the truth, and it's great to find other fellow believers who seek Gods true word! Amen!"
~ David Somers, From: Hudson, Florida
"Hello Mr. Stephens, I wanted to say thank you for your insightful website." ~ Randi Lunow
"Wow!! Thank you so much for writing this article. What an eye opener. How misled the Lord's people are right now...and at such a crucial time. It makes my heart so heavy. I am sure that your article has met with much criticism; but know that this believer...this daughter of the Most High King is grateful for its wisdom. With scriptural support from God's own word, it is quite a blessing. May the Lord bless you and keep you."
~ Judi Royston
"Unfortunately my wife is currently attending a "deliverance ministry" which is very "spiritual warfare" (binding Satan, casting out demons) and "word of faith" in its doctrine. Also the pastor is a woman. Not only that, but a woman Apostle! The church I attend is pastored by a graduate from The Masters Seminary and is very committed to teaching God's word through expository preaching, which of course to the other camp means there is no Holy Spirit involved. The reason I googled Savelle was I found his book Thoughts: The battle between your ear's in my house along with a binder with the books name on it full of notes. Apparently this is being used for their mid-week Bible study instead of the Bible. I guess God's Word is not enough. So I wanted to see who he was and your site was one of the results. Thanks for all you do and for the teachings you have on here refuting the one's like Savelle. I would appreciate any advice you might have for one in my situation. I try to reason with my wife, but I am not sure if I am going about it right. Thanks. Your brother in the Lord."
~ James Hull, From: Fairfield, California
"This website is very helpful to me and others like me who are babes in Christ and are trying to learn what is real and false. I been to church off and on since I can remember but never truly committed myself to God through Jesus. But I was saved in Nov.2009 after the passing of my son and God has been my rock through my sweet sons passing along with my husband. I call myself a babe in Christ because I am learning but am still trying to discern from truth and false teachings. I am a new creature in Christ but I still have the old me show up and causes me to stumble and fall but I have learned to be quick to repent and try to correct what has caused me to fall into the sin. There is nothing this world has that can cause me to make it my Heaven and cause me to lose the true Heaven and my chance to see my God and also my son, my momma, my daddy, my nephew and all my Heavenly family waiting for me there. I pray for these false teachers, these wolves in sheep clothing that before it is too late they come back to the Bible and Gods truth before because they may have achieved a Heaven in a sense with their money, houses, cars, planes, etc. but they can't hold onto these things or their human life forever. Their human life will end one day and then what they have here will be no more but their eternally life will be what is left and if they don't change and repent their eternal life will be in hell. I would rather have riches in Heaven and eternal life there. God Bless!"
~ Michelle, From: Ozark, Alabama
"I stand with you in promoting sound, Biblical truth and doctrine against the tide of postmodern, progressive, liberal beliefs and agendas which have permeated our churches and caused many believers to drift away from truth and from Christ. Thank you for your ministry. Keep up the great work."
~ Colleen Sahlas, From: Chicago, IL
"Fantastic site! Sound Biblical Teaching! Keep up the great job!"
~ Mike Bolduc, From: Boca Raton, Florida
"Thank you for your website, I recently resigned as worship leader after 6 years at a WoF. The female pastor follows Dr. Leroy Thompson and the "Money Cometh" teaching. I knew something was wrong after we received a phone call Monday wondering where our seed offering was Sunday. Keep the information going brother. Blessings to you and your family."
~ Bill Shaw, From: Port Saint Lucie, Florida
"Praise the Lord for your love for the Lord and His Word! God bless you!!" ~ Paulraj Athisayamony, From: Mumbai, India
"Fantastic!!! Keep fighting the good fight of faith - you will not lose your reward! I did share your expose on Word/Faith with my friend, and she was very grateful. Her eyes were opened, and it drove her to prayer for those trapped in that heresy. You have been given a wonderful gift from God. I will keep in mind your excellent articles on W/F, on tithing (AMEN, THANK YOU!!!), and on women pastors. Since all wisdom and knowledge are hidden in Christ, keep looking to Him! Grace and peace to you and yours." ~ Carolyn Bivans, From: Middleport, New York
"Hi Victor,
Great, great, great website. Sound doctrine and I rejoice in what the Lord is doing through you. Those men are part of this deception of Satan that has 'blinded the minds' of unbelievers and those who say, 'Lord Lord'. However, I see false teachers as the tip of the iceberg. Hardly anyone is exposing the witchcraft that is going on in most of the churches, even those churches that are not Word of Faith. I am talking about Freemasonry and the Eastern Stars. Every part of our society has been impacted by Freemasonry. They teach another Jesus, another Spirit, another Gospel, another salvation. Just go to any church and you will most likely see a deacon, pastor, elder, usher, wearing a Masonic ring or give you a Masonic handshake to see if you are a mason. These people worship the Devil. Washington, D.C. was designed by masons and these men are running many of the churches today. Just a thought; anyway I will continue to speak out on all error; and thanks for your service."
~ Gary Favors, From: Atlanta, Georgia
"Brother Victor,
I loved the website info on the word of faith teachers. I am covering this as part of a series on cults in our church this week, and your info is irrefutable... especially the audio clips! Keep up the good work."
~ Errol Hale, Grace Bible Church, From: Moorpark, California
"It made me sick to read all these things these fakers say especially the threats. And then some folks wrote in to criticize you and stick up for the bad preachers. It's a shame. Some people will go down to the pit of hell all the while saying 'yes but I believed that preacher was real'. And those false preachers, rather wolves in sheep's clothing will say to Jesus 'I have cast out devils in your name, etc.' and Jesus will say 'depart from Me, I never knew you.'"
~ Mary Trucksa
"I was glad when they said unto me; let us go into the house of the Lord! It is good to know that there are others who seek the "truth"! There are so many false doctrines, and most of the "false prophets" mentioned on your site, was right at the top of my list! Thank you for shedding light!" ~ Daryel, From: Sarasota, Florida
Keep up the 'Good Work'. The spirit of Anti-Christ is alive and well. I am absolutely amazed how people (sheep) are so easily deceived by these televangelists who are ravenous wolves in 'designer clothing'. The simple fact of the matter is that most will not do the homework (study) for themselves and let these charlatans who preach that 'poverty is a spirit of Satan'. The New World Order, which I believe is the infrastructure for the Anti-Christ is on the fast track of fruition. Thank you for this valuable information." ~ Rick Campos, From: California
"Dear Mr. Stephens,
Your website is interesting and informative. For example: Word of Faith info and tithing. God's blessings to you. The New Thought beliefs do contain truth. However, it is sad how much division amongst believers in Christianity there is and has been throughout history on so many aspects of our Christian faith. At least we all have the Savior to cover our transgressions. Praise be to God. Keep up the good work. Tithing information was exceptional. Thank you." ~ Louis Corona, From: Rochester, New York
TDM: I agree with you that New Thought doctrine contains truth. However, it encompasses some truth while other parts of its doctrines are diametrically opposed to the truth of God's Word. This issue holds true for Word-Faith theology as well as a host of other doctrines within the church and outside of Christianity. There must be some truth mixed within the lies in order for deception to succeed. I don't believe Christians should divide over non-essential matters (what to eat, what day to worship, for example). However, there are many doctrines that have been taught throughout history, and even in today's church age, where we should and must divide. God's Word commands us to test all teachings (1 John 4:1) by searching the scriptures for ourselves (Acts 17:11). Unfortunately, many of us have failed in this area. And this failure is one of a number of factors that have caused such divisions... divisions among those who know how to discern truth from error from those who possess an undiscerning demeanor. An undiscerning mindset could arise from indifference, improper biblical exegesis, or pastorate/church worship rather than worshiping God. For those who place their faith and confidence in man (Psalm 118:8) and purposely tolerate false doctrines, their salvation may be questionable. God will not tolerate idolatry.