By: Lewis E. Thomas
There are many major religions at large on the Earth!
But "none" can compare to Jesus and His virgin birth!
We have Buddhism, Confucianism, Hinduism, and Islam saying: "This is the way!"
Jainism, Shinto, Sikhism, Taoism, Zoroastrainism leading multitudes astray!
There are many other religions but to get to God there is only "ONE WAY"!
Through "THE DOOR" who was raised from the dead on the third day!
Not one of those false religions listed above.
Represent a God that is Pure Love!
None of those have a founder who conquered death and the grave!
None of those listed above have the power to redeem and save!
JESUS and CHRISTIANITY cannot be compared to any of the religions above!
Those religions have no equal to The Lamb of God who was the embodiment of Love!
JESUS has over 900 different Titles and Names!
His "Introduction" would make all the other spiritual founders hang their heads in shame!
The founders of all other religions were agents of Satan sent to deceive!
Because of them multitudes will be lost forever and eternally grieve!
"Only one religious founder left His Throne and stepped forward to be CRUCIFIED!"
Only Jesus took "Mankind's Place" on the Cross and for man died!
Only Jesus gave "Himself" as a sacrifice so you should not be lost!
Only JESUS CHRIST "paid" for your sins on The Cross!
Belief in one of these false religions will not make "The Truth" a lie!
JESUS CHRIST is the "Only Way" to that Kingdom beyond the sky!
There are a multitude of religious figures from which to choose!
"No one will ever, ever, ever, love you more than Jesus."
"I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me."
(John 14:6)