"For I know this, that after my departure savage wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock. Also from among yourselves men will rise up, speaking perverse things, to draw away the disciples after themselves. Therefore watch, and remember that for three years I did not cease to warn everyone night and day with tears." (Acts 20:29-31)
"It's what you say to yourself that gets you healed. If you say that you won't be healed you won't be healed. If you say that you are broke you will stay broke. Oh! But I came to serve notice on the Devil. The Bible says, 'The power of life and death is in the tongue.' Slap somebody and say, 'You better speak to yourself.' " (T.D. Jakes, "Seize The Moment," WTAL 2000 Atlanta)
"Scripture teaches that receiving Christ as your personal Savior does not necessarily make you a son of God, but if you choose to do so, the power and right to do so is present. Just being saved does not make you a son of God,...only those who are willing to be led by the Spirit actually realize and manifest the sonship of God."
(T.D. Jakes, "The Harvest," Pages 46-47)
"The myth of the poor Jesus needs to be destroyed because it's holding people back"
(Kaylois Henry, "Bishop Jakes Is Ready. Are You?," The Dallas Observer Magazine, June 20-26, 1996, Page 31)
"Jakes, who drives a Mercedes, has moved with his wife and their five children to a luxurious seven - bedroom home with swimming pool in the White Rock Lake area of Dallas. He said the home cost more than $1 million. 'I do think we need some Christians who are in first class as well as coach,' Jakes said."
(The Fort Star Telegram)
"Because the teachers in Jesus' day listened to Him as a child, it boosted His self-esteem."
(T.D. Jakes, "Loose That Man," Page 3)