By: Victor T. Stephens
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"For I know this, that after my departure savage wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock. Also from among yourselves men will rise up, speaking perverse things, to draw away the disciples after themselves. Therefore watch, and remember that for three years I did not cease to warn everyone night and day with tears." (Acts 20:29-31)
An invasion force consisting of great multitudes of wolves in "decked out" sheep's clothing has cleverly infiltrated today's modern Christian church for the sole purpose of preying on their unsuspecting victims. How did this happen? Due to indifference, emotionalism, and ministry idolatry, most Christians today aren't paying attention to Jesus' warning that false teachers will arise in the church during these last days (Matt. 24:4-5). Learning how to detect heretical doctrines (1 Tim. 4:16; 2 Tim. 4:3) has not been an uppermost priority for many believers. Frankly, doctrinal discernment is almost void. To a certain extent, this predicament emerges from the false teachers' inappropriate and antagonistic use of "Judge not" and "Touch not the Lord's anointed"... a terror strategy designed to keep congregants in a state of silence. Consequently, we have many well-meaning believers who are lacking in discernment skills.
When speaking of false teachers, it is the norm for many believers to conceive that the implication refers to those outside the Christian church. On the contrary, the Word of God warns believers repeatedly to look out for falsehood in its ranks. It is those who allege to come in Christ's name, seemingly confessing the Lord as their Savior and claiming divine revelations from God, who may not be conspicuous to doctrinal transgressions. This pretense coupled with seductive entertainment and self-empowerment sermons has contributed to accepting false teachers within mainstream churches.
That said, I encourage and challenge you, the reader, to study and draw a comparison between the scriptures we will be examining to those of the pastor of your church. The Berean Christians, who were of noble character, "searched the scriptures daily to find out whether these things (which Paul taught) were so" (Acts 17:11). In like manner, it is your responsibility to diligently search and test the teachings of the leadership in your church without partiality. We should approach any pastor who cannot stand the test of investigation and challenge with caution.
Just as there have been false and erroneous teachings since ancient biblical days, there is much duplicity and a wide range of false doctrines in today's church age. There are false teachers within most, if not all denominations and non-denominations. The goal here is to address a particular tight network of false church leaders who have established a movement that is rapidly spawning cultic doctrines within the body of Christ in epic proportion. It is this chain of false teachers, commonly known as the Word-Faith Movement, which this article will confront, expose and refute without restraints of political correctness.
The Word-Faith teachers addressed in this study are very high profile "celebrity ministers" televised on "The Trinity Broadcasting Network" (TBN) in addition to a vast network of other stations. These religious profiteers employ motivational techniques, smooth talk, and captivating charm, mixing lies with the truth as they mislead and financially rape the most vulnerable segments of our society. Sadly, they have numerous devoted, loyal, yet incognizant followers who are unskilled in recognizing the errors perpetrated against them (2 Cor. 11:3-4, 13-15; Heb. 5:13-14). For those who love the Lord, the unveiling and refutation of these impostors should take precedence over emotionalism, elitism, and ministerial admiration. John said, "I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth." (3 John 1:4)
What follows is a history of the Word-Faith Movement succeeded by the contrast of Word-Faith theology, as espoused by these notable teachers, with a contextual analysis of the scriptures. In addition, we will address the threats announced by Word-Faith teachers upon those who dare to criticize them. This examination should effectively validate that Word-Faith theology is false and heretical. As we study, we might also detect that Word-Faith theology shares a division of their false doctrines with those of Mormon and Evangelical Churches.
Regrettably, many professing Christians have allowed their blind zeal and idolatrous demeanor to adopt a policy of appeasement, acclaiming false teachers above the authority of Scripture. Despite the clear evidence that will expose the heterodoxy of Word-Faith teachers, such carnal believers will conveniently discard the facts and deliberately tolerate, defend, and embrace these individuals without questions, deceiving themselves and becoming prey to exploitation. (2 Peter 2:1-3)
Next: Word-Faith Counter-Measures