"Help please! My wife and I have been in the Word of Faith movement for over 25 years. I just recently figured out that we have been led seriously astray. I want us to extract ourselves from this movement (and the rest of my adult family). I don’t know how to get her out of it. She is a steadfast defender of it. She really believes that it is the truth. Logic is of no use with her. She gets extremely upset just to talk about it. I believe if I continue to try and convince her that we have been duped/misled, it will mean the end of my marriage. I deeply love my wife. Ending my marriage is not an option. I find it harder and harder to participate in errant religious teaching. Any advice?"
~ Gary
"In searching for the truth, I believe that God led me to this site. Nothing but the truth will do for me, because I am a lover of the truth. As the Holy Spirit leads me into all truths, I am so amazed that the spirit of discernment is not working in so many so-called Christians today. Looking forward to reading your site. God Bless!" ~ Carolyn Garrett, From: Bronx, New York
"Dear Mr. Stephens,
As a recently "renewed" Christian, I am deeply appreciative of your article. I have perused the religious channels over the last few months and have felt, in my heart and gut, that some of the preaching I was hearing didn't seem right. I am very uncomfortable when I hear supposed experts in the Bible talk about deserving to be rich, them and us, on the backs of people that trust them. And using scripture falsely to make their points is obvious to anyone who listens to them. Other than your article I have not seen much regarding this extremely important topic. Thank you for having the courage to come forward to try and expose the fraud. Some people must be so desperate to get out of debt and/or to become rich that they are ignoring the warning signs right in front of their eyes. I am thankful to God that he put it in my heart and mind not to fall prey to this." ~ Maria Ponte
"Greetings, I was perusing your website and found it interesting and quite truthful. I can certainly appreciate what you are doing in regards to the status of the church today. Please keep up the good work and follow the Lord faithfully. Blessings!"
~ Bob Wise, Forgotten Word Ministries, From: Augusta, Illinois
"I am so glad that I am not the only one seeing these false teachers among us!!! Please keep up the good work of warning to others!" ~ Roy Rodriguez, From: Friona, Texas
"I ran across your website while doing research on the Word-Faith Movement. I'm doing a series of articles on what I believe are heretical and cultic groups within and outside of the church that I sincerely believe share many teachings and practices in common, and form the basis for the Apostasy that is being revealed to the discerning Christian today. Paul said there would be a falling away before the tribulation and I was curious as to how far along we are on that path of deception. I think many people will be surprised as I am myself finding out how entrenched are the intrusions of these false teachers in the 21st century church. I thank you for the time that you put into your research and your website and concur wholeheartedly with you about our tendencies today to be so "tolerant" of all kinds of aberrant teachings invading and even taking over our pulpits. We do need to call heresy by its proper name. Thanks again for your diligence and compassion." ~ Dave Hewitt, From: Little Egg Harbor, New Jersey
"Take quotes out of context to fit your message is an old trick you seem to employ on your website! I would be careful if I was you. We are to judge by their fruits aren't we? What are your fruits?" ~ Elizabeth Fitzgerald, From: Australia
TDM: While it is true that quotes can be taken out of context in some cases, it is not true in this instance. I've heard the entire sermons that correspond with the quotes in question; and make no mistake; the Word-Faith Movement's citations are completely accurate. Next, judging fruit encompasses judging lifestyle and doctrine (1 Tim. 4:16; 2 Tim. 4:3).
"Hi, you have a great website. I really appreciate what you have done to compile all the heretical and greedy word of faith teachers in their own words. Excellent work! Thanks again for a great site. It needs to be translated into Arabic and Farsi, for the TBN goof-balls are beaming their heretical teachings to the Middle East."
~ Ken Temple, From: Lawrenceville, Georgia.
"I felt the bottom line you support is giving out of love and to those in need. Would that be true? Do you feel it is the responsibility of a churched believer to contribute to the support the church to which they belong? I ended up with the impression that you might not be a part of a church and therefore would not subscribe to that kind of accountability. For me, it is easier to cheerfully give a tithe and to give an offering according to how I am prompted by the Spirit, than to concern myself with all the reasons why or why not." ~ Marilyn GS, From: Portland, Oregon
TDM: Yes, that is correct. I do not subscribe to a tithing system on account that God's Word does not support it. However, I do believe that Christians should donate to the upkeep and maintenance of a church facility. Furthermore, ministry workers are deserving of compensation. This should be accomplished through freewill offerings. If it is your desire to give a voluntary tithe, then you have the freedom to do so. However, for anyone to teach that tithing is the standard of giving is teaching false doctrine; and that is indeed a concern for the body of Christ. The Holy Spirit will not command you to do something which is not based upon Scripture. Moreover, the Lord Jesus Christ does not want His Church supported by funds which have been illegally obtained. Church tithing is nothing more than a man-made doctrine which amounts to theft by deception.
"I was enriched by your articles supported by the Word of God. I pray to God that He raises people like you to expose these wolves who ravage the sheep. Continue doing the good works." ~ Samuel Smiles Abraham, From: India
"My dear sister led me to the Lord and then introduced me to a small independent charismatic church. I loved this church. The worship was amazing. I felt the presence of God there every time I stepped through the doors. Everyone there were so filled with the joy of the Lord. Every week people came to share a testimony of what God was doing in their lives. Then something happened that changed that church forever. The pastor invited a man by the name of John Avanzini to hold a seminar on "finances". Well to make a long story short...once this false teacher was allowed to preach on the pulpit everything changed. It wasn't long there was a big fundraiser to build a bigger and better sanctuary. The focus of the churched completely changed. Slowly but surely the church with the heart for evangelism changed to the church with a heart for money and the things of the world. I was married at the time and this new deceptive doctrine caused my wife and me to leave the church. Some of my family remains in that church to this day. My recent return to God has opened my eyes to some of these deceptive teachings and it has given me a desire to get back to the basics with God. I don't want to settle for counterfeit, I want the real move of God's Spirit in my life. Sadly some of my closest family members are still caught up into the Word of Faith movement. They follow after (as did I) some of the very teachers that you are exposing on your website. I am so happy that I found your website. Your exposition on the Word of Faith movement is very well done. I have added your website to my favorite places list and will use it in my arsenal to expose the lies of these wolves in sheep's clothing. Thank you for taking the time to compile this information. Please pray that God will expose these men for the heretics that they are...and please pray for me as I go to battle to expose Satan's lies in the lives of my family members who have been deceived by them." ~ Tom Meiser, From: Allegan, Michigan
"Thank you so much for all the information you posted on your web site. My question is this... I hate not being in church. But the churches I have been visiting all teach tithing. So should I go to the one that I feel is closest to the truth as far as praise and worship is concerned? And just give according to how the Holy Spirit has lead me and not participate in the tithing portion of the service? Or not go to a building as far as church is concerned. I have asked the lord to allow me to grow up in him and not just be a child of God but a son (I believe this denotes maturity not relating to gender). It's a challenging place to not go with the status quo. I am tired of the religious and searching for the spiritual. I thank you for your time your study of the truth and your consideration in responding to this email." ~ Gina, Cincinnati, From: Ohio
"I'm always looking for other fundamental Christians who want to warn others of Latter Rain. In my three year research I have discovered that Latter Rain is occultic as well as the Purpose Driven Life. Though seemingly plausible, deeper investigation reveals the occultic origin of both of these belief systems. Both are connected to the satanic agenda, "New Beginnings" that has permeated the charismatic and once sound fundamental churches. Transformation, paradigm shift, glory cloud, fresh word, and many other phrases identify this doctrine of demons. Many pastors are falling like dominoes for this deception. Tricia Tillen from Britain has done extensive research into this occultic influx that involves unsuspecting God loving people who are blindly following their "prophetic" leaders. The agenda on the horizon is to identify those who adhere only to the Logos as opposed the Rhema (written word of God vs. voice of God). Those who do not go with "the spirit" will be removed. (tribulation!) I ask everyone to read all that Tricia Tillen has on the internet regarding this dangerous New Age move that is bringing in the anti Christ." ~ Jan Hawkins, From: New Orleans, La.
"This is very well written and very true. Many members of my family are involved in this false doctrine of the Word-Faith movement and are into babbling and seek to be "slain in the spirit." God Bless your Ministry." ~ Rick Campos, From: Whittier, California
"I ran across your website and added it to mine at Great stuff, I shall pass it around."
~John Edwards, former WOF minister, From: Birmingham, Alabama
"Victor: The Word-Faith movement is extremely dangerous to the believer, as well as those searching for the real Jesus Christ. I praise the Lord for your courage and concern for the spiritual welfare of the body of Christ. God bless."
~ Bud Press, Director, Christian Research Service, Jude 3
"Hello Bro. Stephens,
I came across your site in my desire to learn the truth about the word of faith movement. I recently (actually today) left a word of faith church, my first and only time being associated with those guys. I can really relate with your article about the word of faith movement. Your article really confirmed other research I have done and God is truly good. I am going to share your site with a Pastor friend of mine and we are going to sit down and go through it. He has trouble with the word of faith movement also. My God continue to bless you and your family." ~ Kerry & Kourtney Coleman, From: Orlando, Florida
"I just came across your website after a Google search that I titled "Word of Faith Movement; Spiritual or Carnal". I haven't had the chance to read the article in its entirety (as I can't print the PDF file without some of the words being cut off & I don't have computer access at my residence as of yet. What I can say is of the parts that I have read, I definitely agree with what you're saying. There are really so many things that I could type concerning the Word Faith Movement, but I don't think either of us has that kind of time right now. I can say that I, too, was a part of a church that was Word Faith based dressed in Holiness/Pentecostalism. In short, it was (in a term I've adopted from some other website I've read) charismadolatry. They talked about God a lot, but two things I noticed (a little late & in hindsight, respectively) is that they desired people to worship them & desired earthly riches very strongly. They would dress up things that they did for other people in a package of false humility, all for attention (almost like a look at me kind of attitude). I've planted seeds, but now I see that some of it was for the wrong reasons and it has cost me and my family a lot of money. I've often had a problem w/ the little "g" gods theory and I've found enough evidence in the Bible to prove that it's false (you've probably found it as well) and I'll send you what I've found if you would like to read it or have time to read it. I've also been called into the ministry in the area of teaching & preaching. I think that God has allowed me to experience some of these things to show others what not to follow and He knows that I'll tell it if it's true." ~ Larry Williams
"I am intrigued and interested in your understanding of the "Word" without anything other than a formal secular education. I myself, after having received the Lord Jesus Christ some 32 years ago have become somewhat dissatisfied with modern day "religions." Having been saved in an independent fundamental Baptist church 32 years ago and later moving to a Four Square denomination and finally "currently" attending an Assembly of God denomination for some 5 years now, have once again fell prey to the ongoing trivial acceptance of scripture from those who would say they are inherently ordained to reveal to me what is right and what is wrong. I stumbled onto your web page by quite accident and am intrigued by the understandings and the parallels by which I also perceive some of your teachings. I have been interested in finding a fellowship where I could find people of like desires and to the revealing of true scripture."
~ Charles E. Keller, From: Washington State
"Great site. I am in the process on creating a short overview of The 'Faith Movement' and your summaries will make the work less time-consuming. Our site is"
~ Bob Luthardt Sr., From: Baltimore, Maryland
"You are doing a good job shepherding the flock of Christ and revealing the deception in this age." ~ Arthur Jason,
"I have been ignorant of this Word Faith movement and have been doing daily prayer readings from Copeland's book "From Faith to Faith". I will not get any more Copeland material and cancel their magazine. Thank you for your website."
~ William, From: Queensland, Brisbane, Australia
"Dear Mr. Stephens:
GOD bless you and your family! You are an answer to my prayers. My wife has gotten heavily steeped into the Word of faith movement. I went to a local church with her today (Living Word Christian Center) and the pastor said we are robbing GOD if we don't tithe. This coming week we have Dr. Creflo Dollar coming to deliver a message. My wife is angry with me for questioning the health and wealth preaching of Mr. Dollar and Kenneth Copeland. I just printed your article on tithing and plan to read it. If you know of any other resources on this topic please let me know. GOD bless you brother!" ~ John Commers, From: Minneapolis, MN